How my dad created our own levels for the game Luola

My dad and I like to play this game on Linux called Luola, but it only comes with 5 or 6 levels. After we had gotten bored with those, my dad started looking around for some more levels and found out that it really isn't that hard to create your own level from scratch. So, after a little searching  he created a few experimental levels. Ayrica, my sister, and I even created some levels of our own. Here are the levels we have created so far:

This level maps out the 16 colors you can use to create a Luola map
My first real level using all the colors in a Hawaii Like theme

Download my Luola levelpack here.

You just have to put these extracted files in your luola/levels directory. On my Ubuntu system the path to the levels folder is `/usr/share/games/luola/levels/`.

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