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Ballad of Lord Winter and Lady Summer
This is me singing the Ballad of Lord Winter and Lady Summer. I got the first three verses from a book called, Obsidian Mirror, though I did change some of the words. I completely made up the last verse, using things that actually happen in the book. I hope you like it, let me know if you… Continue reading Ballad of Lord Winter and Lady Summer
I love chips ;-)
Impossibilities of the world
Can you read this?
Brain Teaser
I found this on the Internet somewhere (can’t remember where) and loved it. Me, being a left brain thinker, it got me good, so I just had to post it for others to see. I found it very hard to move quickly through the list and not say the words that I couldn’t help but… Continue reading Brain Teaser
Nameless Faces by Aylan Bryan
Here is my brother Aylan making his first ever recording of his all original song, Nameless Faces, at Dave Seawater’s house. Dave added a drum track in Garage Band and put some distortion on the guitar. You can listen to the first draft of the finished product here.
How my dad created our own levels for the game Luola
My dad and I like to play this game on Linux called Luola, but it only comes with 5 or 6 levels. After we had gotten bored with those, my dad started looking around for some more levels and found out that it really isn’t that hard to create your own level from scratch. So,… Continue reading How my dad created our own levels for the game Luola
Collatz Conjecture
The conjecture states that if you take any number, and if it’s even you divide it by two and if it’s odd multiply it by three and add one, and you repeat this process indefinitely, no matter what number you start with, you will always end up at 1. Here is a little JavaScript function… Continue reading Collatz Conjecture